How to Change a Newborn Diaper

How to Change a Newborn Diaper

Changing diapers is a fundamental skill for new parents. Proper diaper changing not only keeps your baby comfortable and dry but also helps prevent skin irritations like diaper rash. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps and considerations for changing your newborn’s diaper, helping you master this essential parenting task.

Pre-Diaper Change Preparation

Make sure before you start to remove a diaper that you have all your supplies ready so that you not only can work faster, but the baby’s in a safer place and more comfortable place.

Essential Supplies Checklist:

1. Clean diapers (appropriate size for newborns)
2. Baby wipes or soft cloth with warm water
3. Diaper cream or barrier ointment
4. Changing pad or towel
5. Diaper disposal bag or bin

Hand Hygiene

Always wash your hands before changing a diaper; this way, you won’t expose your child to harmful bacteria.

Step-by-Step Diaper Changing Process

1.Choose a Suitable Changing Area
Pick a flat, safe, sterile and dry place. Choose a designated changing table or lay an infant changing pad on a bed.

2. Arrange Supplies
Position all necessary items within easy reach.

3. Remove the Soiled Diaper
Lay your baby down, unfasten the diaper tabs, and carefully remove the soiled diaper. Use the clean front part of the diaper to gently wipe away any excess waste.

4. Clean Your Baby
Take a clean washcloth or cotton wipe (using warm water) and wipe your baby’s skin front to back with attention to skin folds. For girls, always wipe front to back. By wiping front to back, urinary tract infections can be prevented.

5. Apply Diaper Cream
If your baby has a rash or redness, apply a thin layer of diaper cream or barrier ointment to protect her.

6. Put on a Clean Diaper
Insert a new clean diaper under your baby’s behind. Pull up the front and fasten the tabs around the waist. Make sure the diaper doesn’t sit too high or too low.

7. Dress Your Baby
Once the diaper is secure, redress your baby in clean clothes.

8. Dispose of the Soiled Diaper
Put the soiled diaper and the dirty wipes in a diaper disposal bag or bin.

Important Considerations

Diaper changes: Newborns need their diapers changed every 2-3 hours or whenever their diapers get wet. Doing so frequently helps to avoid skin irritation.

Diaper Rash Prevention: Frequent changes and keeping the skin dry are crucial. If rash occurs, apply a protective cream and ensure thorough cleaning during changes.

Choosing the Right Diaper: Select diapers based on your baby’s weight and body shape. Ill-fitting diapers can cause discomfort and leaks.

Allergies: If your baby has a reaction to a diaper or wipe, watch her skin for signs of irritation or a rash, and try a hypoallergenic or fragrance-free alternative.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I know when it’s time to change the diaper?
Change the diaper when it becomes heavy, looks bulky, or your baby shows signs of discomfort. Do frequent checks.

2. How many diaper changes does a newborn need daily?
Babies typically poo and pee every one- to three-hour intervals, forcing 10-12 diaper changes a day.

3. What’s the difference between diaper cream and barrier ointment?
Diaper creams typically contain zinc oxide and are used to treat diaper rash. Barrier ointments are for daily use to help prevent rash and promote overall skin health.

4. How do I choose the right newborn diaper?
Look for diapers with good absorbency, soft and breathable materials, and effective leak protection. Consider factors like your baby’s size and sensitivity.


Mastering the art of diaper changing is an essential skill for new parents. By following these steps and tips, you can ensure your newborn stays clean, comfortable, and healthy. Remember, practice makes perfect, and soon diaper changing will become second nature to you.

